Online registration system (Online ticket Booking)
Some sites on the Internet to book train tickets to help us . Railways and IRCTC website is . Through IRCTC site online by a passenger ticket for travel before they are registered . If the site is on the site for a large number of anukuvor always running slow . Or sometimes stop work .

There are some private websites ikkuraiyai ease . ClearTrip them to be considered as the primary site . The easiest way to book the tickets Making system . There are also some sites .

They are :
2 . MakeMyTrip.Com / Railways
3 .
4 .
5 . Thomas Cook.Co.In / IndianRail
6 . site very quickly by the trains of the time (time), distance (Distance), fee ( ) , traveling stations , have a seat (Seat Availablity) , etc. can be seen . You can learn quickly the PNR Status .

To know PNR status

Pre- registration is valid vacatiyirunt us know immediately . Thus, there is often not available immediately . In some cases, our name on a waiting list (waiting list) will be . We 've got a place on a waiting list so that when the need to resort to re- familiarize inaiyattaiye . It is said that PNR status .

Inaiyattaiye should seek to know the PNR status every time . The Mobile Internet instead of your PNR status - you can get as SMS . Go to site of your PNR number , mobile number and register if you want to get the information needed .
Now the ticket information on the changes as soon as you receive SMS mopailukke .

Mobile and can make this request . Type in your mobile as it MYPNR ten digit PNR number , a space , and then type your own . Send an SMS to the number 92200 92200 this information .

Register your tickets now and each time there is no need to go searching for payanacit the situation . The conditions to search for you will pass your mopailukke .

Mobile recording system by :

Train tickets can be booked through the mobile . Rail passengers using the new facility and the mobile ticket registration process has recently introduced on the railways . You must have GPRS on your mobile phone with an internet connection .

Railways on your mobile visit the new site . After doing the necessary steps to register on the site . When recording your own yucarnem ticket every time , using the password you login (login) to get .

System , similar to the E-Ticket registration mopaililum credit card , debit card, you can book tickets using the mopaililum .

Technical features for users to grow with time , reduced mental agony . The Tamil Nadu Government Employee Recruitment (TNPSC) Onetime REGISTERATION in introducing and applying online is also significant .